Colored Cube Puzzle

      This puzzle consistes of three cubes, each with six different colored sides.  The patterns of the cubes are different so that the total puzzle of all three cubes can only be assembled one way.  The idea of the puzzle is to scramble all the cubes and then see how quickly you can assemble all three.  Hint: it helps to start by trying just one cube, and then two cubes, before trying all three cubes together.

Colored Cube Puzzle.

      Here are the plans for the color patterns for the three different cubes.  Again, each cube had to be unique so that there would only be one possible solution to the total puzzle.

Colored Cube Puzzle color pattern. Colored Cube Puzzle color pattern. Colored Cube Puzzle color pattern.

      Cutting the smaller cubes themselves was easy - they are just 1.5" cubes, cut on the table saw.  The labor-intensive part would be painting all the sides.  Since there would be three sides (one for each large cube) in each color, I made a jig to hold twelve smaller cubes tightly together so I could spray paint them.  It worked well for the most part.  For each new color, I covered the jig itself with painter's masking tape.  Sadly, there was some bleed over on some of the edges of the cube, so I did end up having to touch up the edges of most of the cubes by hand with a small brush.  Also, I painted the three interior sides of each cube (the sides that won't be visible when the large cube is assembled) black.  Here is the cube painting jig:

Colored Cube Puzzle painting jig. Colored Cube Puzzle painting jig. Colored Cube Puzzle painting jig. Colored Cube Puzzle painting jig. Colored Cube Puzzle painting jig. Colored Cube Puzzle painting jig.

      So, here are all 24 of the colored cubes individually separated, and also put together into the three large cubes:

Colored Cube Puzzle finished. Colored Cube Puzzle finished.

      And, finally, I had to make some sort of holder to keep all the cubes:

Colored Cube Puzzle cube holder. Colored Cube Puzzle cube holder. Colored Cube Puzzle cube holder. Colored Cube Puzzle cube holder. Colored Cube Puzzle cube holder. Colored Cube Puzzle cube holder.

      This is a simple puzzle but it is more challenging than it looks - especially if you're trying to do it quickly!  My record is four minutes.

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